Designer - Ben and Shae Boersma
Artist - The Mico (Mihajlo Dimitrievski)
Sculptor - Bob Olley
Publisher - Darwin Games
A fast paced game of arena combat!
As an Occulite Chief it's up to YOU to defend your tribe's honour and there's no time like NOW!
Eye for an Eye is an gladiator-like skirmish game played in an arena with spaces marked by hexes. Players control one character (usually an Occulite Tribal Chief) trying to settle a dispute with another tribe or tribes (the other players).
Unlike other skirmish games, Eye for an Eye can be played in either real time with a soundtrack timing the action, or in turn based mode. Players can call out and resolve actions to trigger them.
Actions are powered by allocating dice to different spaces on the player’s board and cards. Each character has its own set of skills and restrictions on dice placement. It is likely that you will quickly form a bond with your favourite.
In realtime mode, play a single round in five minutes, or an entire tournament in one hour! In turn based, play a game in 30 minutes.
Eye for an Eye will be on Kickstarter in the near future. We hope that you will come along for the ride and help us get this fun and unique game funded!
Eye for an Eye will not contain anything exclusive to Kickstarter as we would like everyone to have access to all parts of the game, no matter when they pick it up.
This is truly a unique game that will not be made without the help of our Kickstarter backers.